I don't know about you but I am a self confessed CHOCAHOLIC.
I seem to be able to give everything else up but chocolate.
Especially when I have a down day or a day when I'm fighting so hard that i'm exhausted and all I want is that little sweet temptation. I genuinely crave it the way I think smokers must feel.
It's a weakness and it's one I need to get in check right now. Because it's not about the diet or the weight thing... I'm 5ft 7", weigh 140 lb and train up to 5 times a week; so I'm by no means overweight or unhealthy.
It's about the sugar... it's a drug and I so strongly believe that it's the drug that is responsible for 80% of my MS symptoms. I can TELL as soon as I've had an 'OVERDOSE' of sugar, I start to get tingling in my left knee cap or my elbow start to ache.
It makes me feel sick to think about... WHAT must be IN that chocolate...
What combination of chemicals must be doing this to my body?
Why do I do it to myself?... THE PALEO (ish) LIFESTYLE is one thats pretty easy to stick to once you get used to it. Everyday I have a combination of chicken/ fish, vegetables and maybe some couscous or sweet potato, 3 times a day. Easy.
It's the early evening that gets me.... I could have been flying through the day not the caveman diet, so well I might as well have worn the loin cloth to go with it. But it gets to 6pm and there we go with there begins the chocolate orange biscuit. times three.
This is the final thing I need to work on to really TAKE CONTROL of the MS. Especially leading in to the hot summer months where I can not risk triggering a relapse because of an insignificant sugar overdose.
Sugar causes inflammation = MS is an inflammatory condition = Sugar triggers MS
Watch this space.