Sunday, 9 June 2013

"I can't accept not trying"

I'm listening to: 


I don't know about you, but I quite often have to battle my way out of negative mind sets.
I'm overly positive because I have to be. I'm using this obstacle which has been put in my way to my advantage. Rather than struggling to drag it everywhere I go, i'm slowly training myself to pick it up and  move it aside.

Don't be consumed and don't let every day become a constant battle to be on top. 
Days, moths and years will go by, but train your mind to let it come naturally.

Don't get me wrong, I find it SO hard sometimes, but i'm constantly reminded by great people in my life that I need to keep going. If I fall or slow down or struggle, thats ok as long as i've tried to get back up again.. (something I learned today because I wasn't trying to get back up).

"I can't accept not trying" - Michael Jordan / My PT today

Todays TRAGIC gym session went from bad to worse to good.  As mentioned, my current relapse has caused me to lose feeling in my right arm, hand, chest and back. This means every time I go to put the damn lid back on my bottle of water, and can't, I'm reminded of my situation and frustration kicks in. I'm almost started crying in the middle of the gym! In fact, i'm sure I shed a tear or two on those rubber mats.

After wasting some time being grumpy and arguing with my personal trainer, I decided not to waste the last 15 minutes of my session (or more I was TOLD I wasn't to waste the last of the session)..either way it worked and when I found out the exercise I was about to do is how Jodie Marsh trains, I quickly perked up and decided to release my inner body builder...

Now, having said all this... I can feel my shoulder again! My right boob and right arm are still quite numb but hey...I can feel my shoulder so left thumbs up!

P x

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