"MS is my opportunity to be legendary"
And that's great... except sometimes there are just those days where it all becomes a bit too real.
You realise what the future may hold
You ask yourself question after question
You feel like people STILL don't fully understand and perhaps above all you're just frustrated with the day in day out battle with such a powerful condition.
It's tiring and sometimes you have to let yourself let go and take a moment, half a day, or even a day or two, to simply let yourself readjust. THATS OK! You shouldn't let it build up or you'll find yourself releasing that frustration and anger on to others and in ways you don't want to.
TIPS on managing those low moments:
- Remember why you are fighting - Yes you will have low days, but remember why you fight so hard every other day of the week, month, year. You're fighting for your health and for your future.
- Be inspired. Find someone or something who inspires you, who's words or actions can motivate you through tough times. Sometimes all it takes is a few words to completely change your outlook on the day ahead. I find motivational Twitter accounts helpful as they are so easily accessible. I also find the words of Muhammad Ali incredibly powerful.
- Don't bite your tongue. Try talking to others with MS who you know you can turn to should you need that level of empathy you perhaps don't get else where
- Talk to your friends/ family and let them know that you're having a bad day or a moment where you need to get something off your chest... you'll probably find they have a lot more to say than you ever imagined.
- Take moments to yourself. I don't suggest you literally talk to yourself but reconnecting with yourself and finding that balance again will really kelp you regain clarity. I find an outdoors jog or an early morning gym session with headphones in really helps. Even immersing yourself in something you love such as a hobby, cooking, reading... whatever allows your mind to switch off.
Do not be fearful... instead, be courageous and think of all the ways in which you can overcome MS and all it's baggage.
I try to keep myself busy every day with various things to keep my mind off the worry. I'm constantly reading about the condition and looking to learn more about it because one day I WILL take it down.
P x