Over the past two weeks i've been fortunate enough to be part of some amazing projects and experiences allowing me to spread the positivity and MS love... not literally.. I make it sound contagious!
The first was the opportunity to film with a production company who, like me, are also trying to raise awareness and break down the barriers between MSers and the general public, doctors and even neurologists.
We had SUCH an amazing day filming at my house and then went on to David Lloyd to film part of a training session with my PT - Antony.
Not gonna lie, I felt like a bit of a celeb... a celeb with MS, a celeb with MS and a Nemo arm, a celeb with MS, a Nemo arm and injection bruises...
ok so NOT so much of a celeb but STILL..I had a fab day and the crew and staff at DL were just lovely.
Apparently, it's going to be shown at a neurology conference in October and will also be used by an american production company...
Only a matter of time before I make my big move STATE SIDE in an attempt to crack America!
(getting slightly ahead of myself?... yah) WATCH THIS SPACE
The next exciting thing to happen in the life of Paula was this....
An invitation to THE HOUSE OF COMMONS
By Mr Mike Freer himself (Local MP for Finchley and Golders Green)
Excited much? Apparently he had seen my article in the Times about the MS Cake Break and fundraiser I hosted with Rhiannon back in April...
which you can read if you click.... here :)
SO...dressed in our snazziest outfits Rhi and I made our way down to the House of Commons. After what seemed like an HOUR trying to figure out how to get into the place we made it!
(please excuse my tired appearance, I was momentarily taking a break from helping my friend give birth as of 7am.... obvs NOTHING was going to stop me making this appointment at the HOC! )

Mr Freer treated us to a tea and scone in a room looking over the Thames with some stunning views! He then gave us a tour of the building which felt more like a palace from the inside!!
On a serious note though it was SO encouraging to have our fundraising efforts recognised. I will never ever stop raising awareness and hosting fundraisers so to have the backing and recognition from such influential people really makes such a difference and is yet another motivational boost.
And there it it.... my day at the House of Commons in pictures.
until next time, P xx
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