So I spent this evening attending an MS focus group where I met other people with the same condition and we spoke about our different experiences. And what an experience it was!
The people I met were so lovely, young, vibrant and positive. It's actually by chance that I heard about it and even bothered to write on a forum saying I'd be willing to take part and come along... I really believe these things happen for a reason.
What I found most interesting was our very different experiences, views and varying approaching to managing our versions of MS. I obviously have a very public open approach which doesn't work for all and I guess may come across as loud, some may say attention seeking or even arrogant. But for me it's how I manage my version of MS and how I motivate myself day in and day out. The only attention I want is to raise awareness of MS and tell my story so others can perhaps have an insight into what my life with my version of MS is really like.
I found it really interesting to hear how others don't tell anyone or barely speak about it and there's something really nice and personal about that. I feel like sometimes I almost make myself known as 'the girl with MS' because I'm so active with it.
The most amazing thing I found about this evening was being able to ask people questions, some quite personal, and to speak about them freely almost laughing at shared experiences and that instant feeling that someone 'gets it'.
All round it was a wonderful evening connecting with wonderful people in a positive environment filled with future opportunities. If you have MS, have been diagnosed recently, or even are related to someone who has MS, I highly recommend connecting with others in the same situation or environment as you may just be pleasantly surprised with the outcome.
Good night :-)
P x