Tuesday, 1 December 2015


So I spent this evening attending an MS focus group where I met other people with the same condition and we spoke about our different experiences. And what an experience it was!

The people I met were so lovely, young, vibrant and positive. It's actually by chance that I heard about it and even bothered to write on a forum saying I'd be willing to take part and come along... I really believe these things happen for a reason. 

What I found most interesting was our very different experiences, views and varying approaching to managing our versions of MS. I obviously have a very public open approach which doesn't work for all and I guess may come across as loud, some may say attention seeking or even arrogant. But for me it's how I manage my version of MS and how I motivate myself day in and day out. The only attention I want is to raise awareness of MS and tell my story so others can perhaps have an insight into what my life with my version of MS is really like.

I found it really interesting to hear how others don't tell anyone or barely speak about it and there's something really nice and personal about that. I feel like sometimes I almost make myself known as 'the girl with MS' because I'm so active with it. 

The most amazing thing I found about this evening was being able to ask people questions, some quite personal, and to speak about them freely almost laughing at shared experiences and that instant feeling that someone 'gets it'. 

All round it was a wonderful evening connecting with wonderful people in a positive environment filled with future opportunities. If you have MS, have been diagnosed recently, or even are related to someone who has MS, I highly recommend connecting with others in the same situation or environment as you may just be pleasantly surprised with the outcome. 

Good night :-) 

P x 

Monday, 23 November 2015

What Beating MS Looks Like


Dear MS,

As you are probably aware, I'm winning. I'm writing to tell you that no matter how many times you come back to try and sabotage my mission to succeed in life without you, I will continue to fight stronger and you will continue to lose. I have found the tips and tricks to get around your nasty ways and I'm going to share them with everyone else with MS who is willing to listen. 

So far this year I have left my career in marketing, graduated in VM with a distinction from the FRA, celebrated my birthday in New York and landed myself my dream job at the greatest department store in the world, I have made it as the face of No7's international Christmas campaign and now I'm looking to what else I can accomplish...without you. 

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to be legendary. 

Yours sincerely,

Paula x

Monday, 28 September 2015

Every Little Helps

I was fortunate enough to have a long weekend as I had Friday off work which was a great opportunity to de-stress, re-focus and relax. Last week was really difficult and stressful for several reasons and it was SO important that I made the decision to get myself out of the negative and anxious mind set I was in. 

For me, MS symptoms and relapses can be triggered by stress. So taking a calm approach plays a huge part in the success of my wellbeing. 

I REFUSE to let myself get stressed over unnecessary problems. After all there is ALWAYS a solution.

However, last week (for the first time in a long time) I let my thoughts and feelings get the better of me. I could almost feel the MS starting to surface again. So on Friday morning when I woke up I made the decision to override all the drama and negative thoughts and re-focused my energy into boosting positivity all around me. 

First of all I cooked a healthy, substantial and energising breakfast made up of eggs, avocado and sun dried tomatoes on rye bread. I trained at my favourite North London gym; Blueprint, and worked my arse off lifting weights until I could't do any more. I can't explain how amazing training at the gym makes me feel and how much of a positive effect it has on beating the MS. It's something I never want to fall out of habit again. It's a part of my lifestyle and above all it's empowering. 

I then explored using different ingredients to create clean and healthy sweet treats such a s protein brownies, protein pancakes and caramel swirls. (Recipes to go up shortly - watch this space) 

I spent the rest of the weekend feeling stronger and strong and even trained again on Sunday at David Lloyd where I did upper body weights followed by some LISS training on the cross trainer. 

All that was left was to stimulate my creative mind and inspire myself to continue pushing through the tough world that is the fashion industry.. so off I went to the Louis Vuitton Series 3 exhibition. 

All I needed was a little TLC and to remind myself how strong I actually am. It's so important to maintain a level of self belief and confidence in the ability to beat MS. I truly believe that through the lifestyle I live and the choices I make, I WILL BEAT THIS CONDITION. 

So far so good. 


P xx

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

MS = My Stress

And breathe...

So basically my job is really stressful, busy and full on and it's only been two months! I can't believe it as it feels like I've been there for years already. 

But we all know what comes with stress... stress eating... relapses. 

I'm having to work out a way at the moment to manage these new stresses and strains on my life beating MS. I definitely don't want to go backwards and un-do all the hard work I've put in over the past couple of years. 

I literally notice a relapse coming on when I've been stressed/ eaten badly. I can almost feel the backs of my eyes going and the cold pins and needles in my knees.  

I've decided i'm going to completely immerse myself in the world of wellness, mindfulness, health and fitness in order to regain some control on things. I'm going to Blog, Insta, Tweet and live all of these things and I refuse to give up or give in to MS. 

P x

Monday, 13 July 2015

She's Back.... AGAIN


So the past 6 months have been CRAZY! I took a huge risk and left my Marketing job to go back to what I love... Visual Merchandising. I decided to study for a VM qualification on a 6 month course at the Fashion Retail Academy so that I could break my way in to the luxury market.. and that I did :-) 

I've been working super hard and completed a work placement with Mulberry as well as completing the course whilst BEATING MS. Yes I am still beating the condition!! Even in this heat! It's amazing. 

A combination of new medication, diet and exercise (not so much exercise over the past 3 months I must admit!) has kept the MS pretty stable. I've had some tiny symptoms like sore eyes and every time I think its Optic Neuritis again and am convinced I'm going to wake up with no eye sight again but every time it just goes away which is great and means my body is managing the condition much better. 

I feel I'm finally able to come back to blogging about my journey now because I've finished my course, graduated AND landed my dream starting VM role at Selfridges. 

Today was my first day and it was great... I wasn't sure if I should mention the MS yet and when we were asked in induction "name one interesting fact about you" I felt like saying " I HAVE MS AND IM BEATING IT!! haha But I didn't.. I couldn't face the possible sympathy sighs so for now I shall remain quiet about it until the time is right... but I am most definitely not ashamed of it.. I'm way proud to have such a complex condition that I fight day in day out. 

I'm really happy to be back and I'll be sharing lots of info about my new exercise plan I have in place as well as my #BeatingMS diet tips and general life happiness :-) 

Love as always, 

Paula :-) x

Thursday, 26 March 2015

She's Beating MS

Hello :-)

It's been a little while since my last post because i've been SO unbelievably busy with my amazing college course, trying to juggle earning some cash money AND successfully beating MS at the same time... Yes you read that correctly... I AM SUCCESSFULLY BEATING MS!


So a few weeks ago I went for my annual MRI and Neurology appointment and it just so happens that my brain has LESS lesions on it that this time last year! This means I have somehow found a way to not only manage my MS but actually heal myself in the process.

I am by no means saying this will work for everyone but here are some of the things i've been doing which I believe work cumalatively to help me beat MS:

 1. remember to take my MEDICATION...EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. 

2. I drink LOTS of WATER (minimum 2L a day)

3. VITAMINS! I take 5000iu VITAMIN D, 3 OMEGA 3 FISH OIL tablets and 2 MAGNEZIUM + ZINC tablets PER DAY

4. NUTRITION - 80% PALEO, PALEO, PALEO ... 20% chocolate for good measure...it makes me HAPPY  

5. POSITIVITY... MS is my Opportunity to be LEGENDARY. 

6. TRAINING - WEIGHTS TRAINING 2-3 TIMES A WEEK... Little to no cardio - works a treat. I also walk everywhere.

7. DREAM BIG - I am constantly dreaming of the future, of the great things I am going to do, of the exciting things to come and of the successful life I am building for myself... This in turn keeps me motivated to stay on track and stay healthy. 

ANYWAY... I must be doing something right so I'm going to keep at it and make sure I stay on track for a healthy Summer 2015!

Happy Healthy Days

P x

Monday, 2 February 2015

Sugar Sugar

I don't know about you but I am a self confessed CHOCAHOLIC. 

I seem to be able to give everything else up but chocolate.

Especially when I have a down day or a day when I'm fighting so hard that i'm exhausted and all I want is that little sweet temptation. I genuinely crave it the way I think smokers must feel. 

It's a weakness and it's one I need to get in check right now. Because it's not about the diet or the weight thing... I'm 5ft 7", weigh 140 lb and train up to 5 times a week; so I'm by no means overweight or unhealthy. 

It's about the sugar... it's a drug and I so strongly believe that it's the drug that is responsible for 80% of my MS symptoms. I can TELL as soon as I've had an 'OVERDOSE' of sugar, I start to get tingling in my left knee cap or my elbow start to ache. 

It makes me feel sick to think about... WHAT must be IN that chocolate... 

What combination of chemicals must be doing this to my body?

Why do I do it to myself?... THE PALEO (ish) LIFESTYLE is one thats pretty easy to stick to once you get used to it. Everyday I have a combination of chicken/ fish, vegetables and maybe some couscous or sweet potato, 3 times a day. Easy. 

It's the early evening that gets me.... I could have been flying through the day not the caveman diet, so well I might as well have worn the loin cloth to go with it. But it gets to 6pm and there we go with there begins the chocolate orange biscuit. times three. 

This is the final thing I need to work on to really TAKE CONTROL of the MS. Especially leading in to the hot summer months where I can not risk triggering a relapse because of an insignificant sugar overdose. 

Sugar causes inflammation = MS is an inflammatory condition = Sugar triggers MS

Watch this space. 

Disco Design

If you're wondering why the blog has looked like a RAINBOW lately it's because I can't make up my mind... bear with me.

P x

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Telling people about MS...

Today I told the two friend's I made at the FRA that I have MS. I've known them 5 minutes but already I felt I should let them in on my not so little secret.

I don't plan on the whole class knowing or even on my course tutor knowing... but I've realised that I made MS such a huge part of my life for the past two years that it's hard for me NOT to mention it when people ask; 'So what were you doing before this course?' 'How come you were working at a School?' 'Why did you leave Ann Summers?' OR when I'm explaining my past experiences.

I'm not ashamed of MS but I'm also not going to let it define me or use it as a platform the way I have done for two years. Although it has been a great platform at times! And equally not so great at others. 

I have been invited for an interview on Saturday for a HUGE lingerie brand... will I be telling them I have MS? Um... NO. Not yet anyway. It's a tricky one about telling employers, future employers, new friends, old friends etc etc. What will their reaction be? Will they change towards me? Will I be discriminated against? 

My advise to someone who has been recently diagnosed? 

Don't be afraid of what people think. You are STRONGER than you think so bite the bullet and tell those who matter. Tell your family and close friends... This is what they are for... this is one of those times when family and friends make ALL the difference. 

You don't need to shout it to the world, unless you're like me and it helps to live out the experience with everyone and anyone all over the world. Maybe pencil down your thoughts in a diary or on an anonymous blog and you'll start to find it easier to manage in no time. The idea of telling new people will start to not matter as much. 

Anyway... my advise is to BE BRAVE, BE OPEN, FAMILY AND FRIENDS are like supporting pillars at a time like this and you'll be pleasantly surprised; most importantly BE LEGENDARY. 


P x

Monday, 26 January 2015

First Day of Big School

Today was my first day at the Fashion Retail Academy. 
[Aka Big School]

I wore my backpack, wrote in my shiny new Selfridges yellow notepad and changed my outfit an appropriate amount of times before choosing the first option, of course. 

Coffee in hand I arrived EARLY and ready to take on the next life challenge- this time without MS. (No one needs to know I have it so that basically means I don't, right?) 

I'm bored of being too scared to live my life in fear of an MS relapse. 

On Friday I spent my last day in the Admissions and Marketing role I acquired around the time of diagnosis. Today I spent my FIRST day living my life exactly how it should be...loving every second, being inspired, meeting new people and challenging myself. Oh and BONUS...I came home in one piece - shock horror - no need to be afraid of life constantly in fear of MS. 

I took a Maths and English test, I made some lovely new friends, I received my timetable for the next 5 months and I visited my two favourite places in London - Liberty and Selfridges. Tomorrow I start my first lesson in Visual Merchandisisng for Retail and I CAN'T WAIT. 

Life is about taking risks. It's about finding what you love and pursuing that passion, making sure it's a part of your daily routine.


Monday, 19 January 2015

Rest & Recovery

Making sure I get 8 hours SLEEP a night is a key factor in CONTROLLING MS. 

It makes such a difference. But it's important not to seep TOO much as this can make fatigue worse. I get into bed around 9pm every night and try to be asleep by 10pm. This way I can start every day at 6am and have time to make the ESSENTIAL protein breakfast to set me up for the day :) 

I train hard in the gym and follow a strict routine of 2 cardio sessions, 1 HIIT aand 3 weights sessions a week. A combination of this + a sugar free diet allows me to be in control of my body and my condition. This will only work if I also give my body plenty of rest and recovery time. Therefore SLEEP time is ME time :) 

For reasons I'll explain better in my nutrition post, I also have a bowl of porridge every other night before bed. I make it with almond milk and top it with a couple of strawberries. This releases serotonin slowly and helps me sleep better therefore I recover better. = BEATING MS

Today was 6am cardio, a long day at work followed by coursework so It's 8.20pm and I'm already in bed! Movie night for me and I'll be sleeping like a baby by 10pm. 

Tonight's movie - BEST OF ME 

Sweet dreams people...

P x

Friday, 16 January 2015

A Belated Happy New Year!

INTRODUCING 2015 | Happy New Year!

2015 is here and it's set to be a BIG one. Well, it's actually 16 days in already but I've been getting on with so much that I have finally got around to re-designing, re-formatting and updating my blog! 

I don't want to dwell on last year but just to update you; I have not blogged for 2 months or so because I had acute appendicitis last November which was followed by a very complicated and messy surgery and a 10 day stint in hospital. It took me 6 weeks to recover so I simply took the time off from life, work and EVERYTHING to reflect and detox my body and mind ready for a fresh start in 2015. 

And what a start is has been.... I'm on this new medication, Fingolimod, and it's working wonders with no side effects! I feel like a new person compared to who was was when I was on the last injectable drug.

This year is all about being a FREE SPIRIT and taking RISKS to make the most of LIFE. 13 days into the year I handed in my notice at work and I'm off on to new ADVENTURES.  I've had enough of MS convincing me that I should play it SAFE and stay at home in a little job local to me 'just in case' anything goes wrong. 

I want to get back in to what I LOVE and that is being CREATIVE. I've been accepted on to a 20 week fast track course in VISUAL MERCHANDISING at the FASHION RETAIL ACADEMY to start immediately. 

The FIRST Wedding which I've planned from the very beginning is in July 2015 and I'm finally FINDING MY WAY.

I have also set up my very own BISCUIT BUSINESS offering DESIGNER Iced Biscuits... mmmmmmm! 


p x