Monday, 13 July 2015

She's Back.... AGAIN


So the past 6 months have been CRAZY! I took a huge risk and left my Marketing job to go back to what I love... Visual Merchandising. I decided to study for a VM qualification on a 6 month course at the Fashion Retail Academy so that I could break my way in to the luxury market.. and that I did :-) 

I've been working super hard and completed a work placement with Mulberry as well as completing the course whilst BEATING MS. Yes I am still beating the condition!! Even in this heat! It's amazing. 

A combination of new medication, diet and exercise (not so much exercise over the past 3 months I must admit!) has kept the MS pretty stable. I've had some tiny symptoms like sore eyes and every time I think its Optic Neuritis again and am convinced I'm going to wake up with no eye sight again but every time it just goes away which is great and means my body is managing the condition much better. 

I feel I'm finally able to come back to blogging about my journey now because I've finished my course, graduated AND landed my dream starting VM role at Selfridges. 

Today was my first day and it was great... I wasn't sure if I should mention the MS yet and when we were asked in induction "name one interesting fact about you" I felt like saying " I HAVE MS AND IM BEATING IT!! haha But I didn't.. I couldn't face the possible sympathy sighs so for now I shall remain quiet about it until the time is right... but I am most definitely not ashamed of it.. I'm way proud to have such a complex condition that I fight day in day out. 

I'm really happy to be back and I'll be sharing lots of info about my new exercise plan I have in place as well as my #BeatingMS diet tips and general life happiness :-) 

Love as always, 

Paula :-) x

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