Over the past few weeks I have received some AMAZING messages from people being so encouraging and supportive. It really has surprised me how people I don't know and have never met can say such inspiring words. It's messages like these which keep me in such a positive frame of mind and give me such hope for an exciting future..
I really want to show my apprecation to everyone for their support and share some of what people have said in hope that other people, not necessarily with MS, can take something from it and go by their day with a more positive outlook.
Here are some of my favourites via texts, Facebook, Twitter, email and old fashioned cards...
"It was truly the saddest day of my life when I was told [I had MS] but hopefully you can be positive and look at all the things i've done- got a pilots licence, travelled the world on my own, go skiing and diving, jogging and swimming, cycle to work, run my own company and work full time. Live life to to its fullest and don't think you can't do things any more, you can!" - Facebook
"I think your attitude is so inspirational, you're such a positive thinker. I'm a great believer that if you're a positive person you attract positive things into your life." - Text
"Reading your blog made me smile. You make me want to ROCK MY MS! Thank you!" - Twitter
"Keep up the positive attitude, it's what will see you through. Keep setting yourself goals and make them when you feel at your best. You'll find a way through." - Email
As well as making friends with strangers who I suddenly feel I have a huge connection with, this whole situation has shown me what great people some of my pre existing friends are.
I absolutely would not be in such a good way after 5 weeks since diagnosis if these people had not shown me the INCREDIBLE amount of support going above and beyond what I could have ever imagined. Yes I am about to put pictures of my beloved friends up and no they didn't have a say in which pictures I chose :)
My bestest buddy in the whole wide world!
He was there in the hospital, at home and continues to make me see the best in life every single day by acting like an idiot...every single day ;) He also makes my hair look incredibly nice..no he's not gay..he's a hairdresser.
This chica has been my rock! We are going to New York together in May and plan on taking over the world one event at a time...starting with the MS cake break!
SAMM with two M's -
Friends since we were 13 we have been through A LOT together and will continue to do so..MS is just one tiny blip. Samm is mad...she is also part of the Sanchez family and therefore we can not disown her ;)

My family have been incredible and so has mummy's bank account. No but really, however you look at it family should always come first. This is my number one priority and if it wasn't for my parents I wouldn't be in the best position for recovery. They couldn't be doing anything more to help me in my struggle with MS. Thank You :) xxxx

He looks a lot like this...is incredibly funny and we have A LOT of banter.. so much so that I think my work out consists of him telling jokes for an hour until my stomach hurts from laughing so much.
Laughter is something I think everyone should have as part of their day as "A day without laughter is a day wasted." It make all the difference in a serious, potentially depressing, condition like MS.

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Moral of the story.... BE POSITIVE AND EMBRACE THOSE AROUND YOU. You never know when you're going to need people most. Be open minded and appreciate what people have to say even if it is via social media from across the world!
P xx
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