Monday 4 March 2013


Doctors have disagreed with me  and specialists have said that there is no proof drastic diet changes help the MS condition in any way. However, I have read SO many life stories and blogs from people with MS who have kept relapses at bay by cutting out those bad foods and changing their diet. 

I have to say I am a little sceptical because I am a 'newbie' to the MS world and a part of me will believe anything can make me better because I want it so much. I'm willing to try whatever it takes to ensure I can live the best life possible. 

I was put on the Paleo Diet about a month ago by my personal trainer and I found it incredibly hard to adjust to. Like most people I know, (not keen gym goers), I'm partial to a bit of chocolate...ok A LOT of chocolate...ok I could quite happily eat a family sized bar of big fat family sized bar, some Malteasers AND a Kinder Bueno. 
It's safe to say that I LOVE CHOCOLATE :) 

I would consider myself as much a fan of chocolate as Brucey here... just not quite as disgusting

Anyway, today is the day I give up Chocolate, Gluten and Dairy for AT LEAST the next 2 months to really see if going on this drastic PALEO diet can help my MS symptoms piss off :)

Lets see how I get on... I may become quite the chef as I'm determined to make this as interesting as possible. First Place I'm heading is here....

COOKIES AND SCREAM - Vegan and Gluten Free bakery in Camden. HOPEFULLY I'll also get some great tips for baking treats to sell at the MS Cake Break Sunday 28th April. You can have an insight into the sweet treats us MS-ers can have instead...BE THERE OR BE SQUARE :)

P xx


  1. Go you! As a nutritionist I couldn't believe that my neurologist couldn't advise any diet to improve my symtoms- so I went and did some research and cut out (mostly) diary and wheat from my diet and I feel amazing!!!
    Go you! You can do it!!!! :) xxx

  2. Yay!!! Keep us updated! I'm definitely going paleo next month. Can't wait to see the difference it makes. Not looking forward to the no chocolate thing though, I'm just as addicted as you!!
